Toronto Acupuncture/Naturopathic Centre
Interested in acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Toronto? During the course of your naturopathic treatment, acupuncture may be used, often in combination with other synergistic natural therapies, to complete your personalized naturopathic treatment plan.
The use of acupuncture involves the 3000 year old philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine to create balance in mind, body and spirit. In an acupuncture treatment, fine sterilized single-use needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body. According to Chinese medicine, the normal functioning of the body depends on a balance of yin and yang energy. This energy flows through the body via channels called meridians. There are over a thousand acupuncture points along these meridians and stimulation of these points helps balance the body and promote self-healing. According to the American National Institute for Health, acupuncture is a useful form of treatment for pain relief, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual irregularities, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.
There are many other general contributions of acupuncture:
- Supports the immune system
- Improves concentration and other mental functions
- Reduces inflammation
- Eliminates or reduces pain
- Facilitates detoxification
- Decreases the craving for addictive substances
- Releases emotional blocks and improves emotional stability
- Aids proper digestion
Patients experience of acupuncture often differs. Some people are energized by treatment, while others report feelings of relaxation.
Acupuncture treatment plans:
Treatment plans using acupuncture vary in length of time and frequency of treatment according to the nature of disease, patient vitality, and the intended goal of the treatment. Patients may receive treatment as frequently as 5 days a week during acute phases, after which frequency decreases progressively to once a week. Patients should receive treatment for at least 6-8 weeks, be reassessed, and prescribed a treatment plan that will help maintain their progress and support ongoing health.